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Chaozhou Cration Trend Ceramic Co.,Ltd

Company Profile
Founded in 1983, CHAOZHOU CREATION TREND CERAMIC CO. LTD. is a comprehensive enterprise of both production and scientific research, specializing in porcelain sanitary wares, bathroom accessories and table wares. The co***ny has a staff of more than 300, including 50 advanced engineers, engineers and other technicians, enjoying modern sales network auto office equipments.

Co***ny has covered an area of 133000 square
has a total sales income of USD10 millions,
The products have been well sold i...
Products List

1 p toilet
Contact Us
Company: Chaozhou Cration Trend Ceramic Co.,Ltd
Contact: Ms. Sally Hay
Address: Xinggong Road, North of Railwaystation,
Postcode: 521031
Tel: 86 768 2991562
Fax: 86 768 2998152


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Tel : 86 768 2991562 Fax : 86 768 2998152
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